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Automobile materials Testing 汽车材料检测

中国汽车产业融入全球供应链是产业发展的大势所趋,与此同时,如何提高汽车的安全性、可靠性,如何经济而又环保地处理报废汽车,促进汽车行业的可持续发展,已成为全世界汽车行业关注的热点。PTS Testing Service精锐检测机构以丰富的经验和对行业标准的熟悉,可以为您提供全面的汽车材料检测服务。
China's auto industry into the global supply chain is the trend of the industrial development. At the same time, how to improve vehicle safety, reliability, how to economical and environment-friendly processing scrap cars, and promote the sustainable development of the automotive industry, has become the concern of the world automobile industry hot. PTS Testing Service agency detection rich experience and familiarity with the industry standard, to provide you with comprehensive automobile materials testing services.

车内空气及车内饰件材料有机挥发物VOC检测  The air inside the car and the car interior decoration materials volatile organic compounds VOC testing
汽车ELV指令和限用有害物质化学环保检测  Automobile ELV instruction and harmful chemical substances testing
汽车涂料中有害物质限量检测  Automobile painting harmful chemical substances testing
可靠性试验以及性能测试  Reliability test and performance test
金属材料及零部件的物理力学性能检测  Metal materials and parts The physical and mechanical properties Test
高分子材料及零部件的物理力学性能检测  Polymer materials and parts the physical and mechanical properties Test
汽车内外饰件涂装性能检测 Automotive interior and exterior plastic painting properties Test
Please contact our ,need to purchase Test Instrument:King Chan (+86)13602386325